We collect, store and use your browsing information to allow you to use our Site, to communicate with us, and for the other purposes described in more detail below or as we may specify at the time of collection.

Your privacy is very important to us. Simply stated, our policy is to collect no personal information about you, unless you affirmatively choose to make such information available to us. When you visit this website, the Web server automatically recognizes only the Internet domain and IP address from which you accessed the site. This information will be used to determine whether you complete the survey and may prompt completion of the survey on other webpages you visit if you do not complete the survey. This information will be used to determine other webpages that you visit in order to promote the use of the survey to other people. This information does not result in the identification of your personal e-mail address, other personal information, or retention of your answers to the survey in a way that would identify data about you.

If you choose to share your personal information by sharing the link to this webpage, or otherwise providing the Department of Health with your personal identifying information, the information will be saved for a designated period of time in order to comply with the state of Florida’s archiving policies. The answers that you select to the survey will not be kept in a way that is connected to your IP address and your participation is anonymous. However, information will not be disclosed to third parties or other government agencies, unless required by state law, federal law, or contract with a vendor of the Department of Health. Please note that Florida’s public records law requires that all information received in connection with state business be made available to anyone upon request, unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption.

The type of information we collect from you depends on how you interact with us. You can use our Site without providing us with any information other than anonymous information we collect automatically.

Information you provide directly.
We obtain information that identifies you personally directly from you.
We use the information that you voluntarily provide to update and improve the content on our Site and to assist with marketing research.

Information we collect electronically automatically.

Information about your website visit. Our Site servers automatically record your visits to our Site(s). Like all other website servers, ours compiles a log that records the date, time, browser (i.e., Firefox), device type (i.e., iPhone), operating system (i.e. Android) and originating IP address of each Site page request.

We use cookies that identify your browser or device. They collect and store information when you visit our Site about how you use the Site and facilitate interest-based advertising.

We have a legitimate interest in collecting this information to monitor usage of our Site, identify issues with our Site, and improving our services.

Information About Your Location. From your IP address, we can tell generally where you are when you are accessing our Site, i.e., which city.

With Whom Do We Share Information We Collect?

We may disclose your personal information as required by law, in conjunction with a government inquiry, or in litigation or dispute resolution.

Anonymous Information. We may disclose statistical information to third parties in aggregate form without revealing any personal details about our users.

Our Site operates in the U.S. If you are located outside of the U.S., please be aware that all information you provide us will be transferred to and stored and processed in the U.S. Please also be aware that by using our Site and giving us your information, you consent to such U.S. transfer, storage and processing. You also understand that the U.S. privacy laws may be different from the laws of your country.

This Site may contain links to third party sites not controlled by Department of Health. We recommend that you check the privacy statement of other sites you visit before providing any personal information. Any offers made in advertising on our Site are the sole responsibility of the companies making the offers.

Please note that although we take reasonable steps to protect your information, no website or computer system or wireless connection is completely secure.

We retain the right to change this Privacy Notice at any time to reflect changes in the law, our data collection and use practices, the features of our services, or advances in technology. Please check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes will mean you accept those changes.

We adhere to Florida’s open records laws. Records we send and receive may be subject to public disclosure upon request.

The Florida Department of Health uses cookies on its website (the “Service”). By using the Service, you consent to the use of cookies. To make the Service work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. Because we are always updating our site and changing partners, please check back regularly for updates.

This Cookie Notice is part of our Privacy Policy. Session cookies are automatically deleted at the end of your browsing session. Persistent cookies remain on your device for the duration of each specific cookie, until its expiration date or until you delete it, whichever comes first. If you do not want anonymous cookie and data to be collected based on your browsing history on our website, please leave this website immediately.